

La Sede Central de Armesa Logística, está ubicada en una zona estratégica para el desarrollo de las actividades de la empresa



Construida sobre una superficie de 12.000 m2, todas sus instalaciones son de reciente construcción.



4.500 m2 for LOGISTICS


Headquarters of Armesa Logística.

The main headquarters of Armesa Logística is located in Valencia, in a strategically chosen area for the development of the company’s activities. Built over an area of 12.000 m2, all its installations of very recent construction. Moreover, we have a logistics facility in Grafschaft (Germany) to supply clients from all over Europe quickly and efficiently.


2.200 m2 for offices, services to personnel, conference room, cafeteria, cloakrooms, etc…
4.500 m2 for logistics, including freight loading bays with sufficient capacity for 12 trucks simultaneously, hence our fast delivery times. Inside these installations there are 2 warehouses that fulfil all the statutory legal requirements for full operation, having undergone rigorous tests to guarantee complete functioning with eco-friendly materials.
1.000 m2 is the area dedicated to a special chamber for the conservation of fruit and vegetables between 1ºC and 7ºC.
800 m2 for ultra-freezing, with temperatures reaching -25ºC and a capacity of 650 tonnes of produce.

  • A tunnel for freezing with a 24-tonne capacity.
  • 600 m2 for workshops.
  • A vehicle wash for cleaning and disinfecting our fleet.
  • A 100.000 litre fuel tank A.
  • A 10.000 litre fuel tank B.
  • A 5.000 litre oil tank.
  • A 2.000 litre ADPLUE tank.
  • A recycled oil tank, which is collected by an authorised company.